Sunday, October 20, 2013

All things are possible, oh yeah!

Here it is, the final blog.

Kinda of a strange feeling to think I won't be sharing with you anymore in this way, but it's so awesome to be home :)

So this last blog won't be a run down of the last week of our stay, or a funny story about the crazy trip home (we left Calgary with just one nappy and had 3 flights to get home!!!), it's going to be a little more on the thoughtful side.

It's hard to explain to people how much you learn when you take a trip like this. I mean, we learnt a tonne about Christian camping, and we came back with heaps of new ideas on things we could try here and exciting things to implement. We also learnt how to navigate through airports with only moments to spare before missing our planes. We discovered and enjoyed learning about Canada's rich history and  beautiful environment. 

But I feel like the big things I learnt were things I discovered about myself.

Like, 1. Just because I am an introvert and normally take a while to warm up to people doesn't mean that I have to live my life that way. In Canada I realised that if I wanted to have friends and people to talk to I was going to have to get over this stupid boundary I had put in my head and just go up and talk to people, open up about my life and let people in. And here is the shocker... it was fine! I made heaps of friends and in no time had plenty of people to talk to. 

2. I really didn't think I could handle being away from home and from my surroundings, I am such a homebody usually and the idea of being away for so long totally freaked me out! But you know what? I loved it, I loved the change of scenery, being away and having the chance to explore an entirely new place. 

3. I totally hate not having a plan, or a list or a project and I was really worried that going over there and not having anything really pinned down would do my head in, but I just relaxed and started going with the flow. Eating tea at 8pm and feeding the kids cookies until we can eat? No problem! Not knowing where we were going to camp that evening? No drama! Not having any jobs to do and anyone to feed my approval addiction? A-Okay! I coped and I think that having that experienced has allowed me to relax and realise that it's ok to not have everything perfect all the time. 

4. Spending 24/7 with my kids. I really didn't know if I would be able to handle this. And after a few weeks, I really did think they might end up being left in Canada while I took an early flight home. But after a little while it suddenly hit me that in Tassie I am always saying, "Gee I wish I was less busy and able to spend more time with my kids!" and what do you know?? God sends me a whole six months to relax and enjoy with them. And by the time we came home, I'd have to say I don't just love my girls now, I truly and deeply like them. I think that I often used to just "look after them", not really hanging out and spending time with them. They are so awesome and now when I am with them, I am so much more tuned into them and we have so much more fun!

5. Alex and I. Wow, there have certainly been new dramas and new pressures while we were away but we came away stronger and more in love then ever. We have new visions and goals for a our marriage, our kids and life at home. We seemed to  have unified and we had the chance to really look at where we want the next 5, 10, 15 years of our life to look like. There is nothing like moving into a tiny place and being in each others face everyday to work stuff out!

It's going to probably sound a little cheesy but what I really learnt, the crux of the whole thing is that I can really overcome any obstacle and the only thing standing in my way truly is me. I know, it sounds like every silly encouragement picture on facebook that you see and simply scroll past. But for me it's true. I know now deep down inside of me that I can overcome big stuff, that I am made of sterner stuff and that if I want to, if God is for me, then it's not only possible, it's a certainty!

There is nothing like finally realising that everything you have ever wanted for you life, is within grasp and completely yours for the taking. God has shown me so much, and I know He will continue to show me and my family so much more as He takes us on the next leg of our journey. 

I don't know why you may have been following this blog, maybe you know us, or maybe you found it by accident. But I truly hope that today, maybe you will look to God and see yourself the way He sees you. Full to the brim with possibilities!!! Take a leap, put the pressure on, achieve what you have been only dreaming about. Because, as the song says and I have come to know deep within me....All things are possible, oh yeah!!!

This is Tamara Grey signing off on the adventure of a lifetime (ready for the next one!)

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! I can see since being with you those couple of weeks in Canada and since you have been home, that you are indeed a much stronger, focused woman of God. I am so proud of you for your endurance this these 6 months and for also being aware of the changes that you were making in your life and allowing them to happen. But mostly of being aware of how God was using you and changing you to be the young woman God's wants you to be. So proud of you and I love you so much. Mum xxx
