Saturday, September 7, 2013

Holidays and the Good, the Bad and the Completely Bizarre about Canada

Hey everyone!

I'll bet you have been wondering what we have been up to since the end of summer eh (see how Canadian I am with my Eh's?)

Well we have been lazing about, going to the pool, the water park, buying things to take home, playing, going out to supper with all our friends and just basically relaxing. Family Camp was a  lot of fun and it was really awesome meeting so many of the supporting families and to meet many of the parents of the counselors we got to know over the summer.

I think we slept like 14 hours straight after the camps finally finished :) Even the girls slept longer then usual. (!) And although they loved going to child care and having so many people to play with, I think they were pretty happy to get their Mum and Dad back. Nice to know they do love us.

For his birthday, Alex spent the day golfing (what a copy cat!) with Ginny and Rea. His day was made complete when he managed to knock 7 off his stroke (18 holes) due to his new birthday golf shoes. It's the little things that make a birthday great hey?

Alex has a big week planned, Joshua is down for the week and they have organised to climb some mountains, go caving and take a ridiculous amount of photos.

The girls have already begun to ask when we are heading home and I have also begun to feel the excitement to return growing in me. Until then though we are content to tour around and enjoy our last few remaining weeks in this fabulous country.

I have been planning on doing a blog on this topic for a while. But it’s taken a while to compile the list, so here you go…The Good, The Bad and the Completely Bizzaire things about being in Canada.

The Good

The people - Seriously the people here are completely salt of the earth. They are willing and happy to do anything to help, and I’m not just talking about the people here at Crow, I mean ALL Canadians!

Percy’s Pancakes – To DIE FOR! Wow, we must have eaten pancakes at least once if not twice a week since being in Canada and I can tell you without a doubt that only Percy's pancakes are worth the extra workout!

The Rum Runner - We are seriously going to miss that place. We have eaten there probably 10 times and we have NEVER had a bad meal. I don't care how many hours you have to drive, if you are on this continent you have visit this place. And have a Crow burger for me. Or two, whatever. :)

Sev (Seven/Elevens) - No day out would be complete without a stop at the Sev (more Canadian lingo for you, this blog is so educational!) to get a Slushie and wings. The kids and I are totally addicted. Miss E totally jumps out of her seat when we pull up. (Don't tell my child heath nurse please, I must maintain my perfect Mother record)

Restaurants are kid friendly - Restaurants are so great over here for families, when you rock up they set your kids up with crayons and toys and paper and when they bring their drinks they are always in cups with lids and straws. GENIUS!

The Bad

Speeding - Canadians are very liberal with "speed limits". It doesn't matter if I'm going the speed limit of 5 over. I will still get overtaken at every opportunity and even just in the pull over lane if there isn't an overtaking lane coming up fast enough. I'm not really sure why this is when Canadians pride generally themselves on their politeness.

Milk Cartons - Yeah I can see your face, what do mean Milk Cartons, why in the world could they be bad? Well let me tell you (and every Milk Carton Manufacturer over here) their design is utter stupid! The nozzel is almost in the centre of the carton and no matter how hard you try you will either:
-Spill it all over the table
-Or it will dribble down the side, and then all over your pants.

Pedestrians - Canadians have a courtesy rule here that you ALWAYS give way to pedestrians. It doesn't matter where on the road you are, they will just step out in front of you and you are expected to stop. When I mentioned that in Australia this is called J-Walking they said "Oh, it is here too, but we do it anyway". Okaaaay.

Four way intersections- The general rule over here isn't give way to your right, it's whoever was at the intersection first goes first. SOOOOO CONFUSING when three cars turn up at the same time. Oh and then to throw a spanner into the works, have some pedestrians rock up and just cross without looking. Seriously!

The Completely Bizarre

Canadians put Ranch dressing on practically everything - It doesn't matter what the meal is, Ranch dressing is a must.

Cheese on Apple Pie - I'm not joking. They really do that! Cheese on their Apple Pie or Crumble. Have I dared try it you ask. No. It makes no sense!

Owl pellets - okay so this one came up in conversation one day. Some people (I won't say all Canadians, maybe I was just sitting with a really strange bunch that day) like to buy Owl pellets (Owl Poo just so we are clear) and dissect it because when owls eat they only digest the meat and then everything else, say the bones, skin etc is made into a compact little pellet that the owl poops out and I assume someone must run around collecting to sell.

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