Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wild Weather and Creepy Crawlies


So last weekend I think I told you that it was snowing again. It was a good snow too, it lasted for about 3 days afterwards and the girls enjoyed it heaps.

And then literally one week later, its summer. And it’s HOT! A total pearler as they say at home.

Today we are the playground at the Crows site in shorts and T-shirts. I even broke out the summer hats and sunscreen!

The girls and I have settled into a great routine of dropping into town to look around, playing at the playground and visiting the lake. We also often head to the Kitchen in the afternoons to help with tea prep. If there is nothing to do we often sit and have a cuppa with Marla and Janice.

We have really been enjoying getting to know the staff and other COLTS more. Meal times are always a laugh sitting around discussing cultural difference or just what went on that day. The topic of discussion of late has been Ticks. The COLTS have a Tick count going to see who at the end of the summer can have the most Ticks found on their body (not actually dug into the skin yet, just walking around on them). Totally gross. I have already found two and I never even head into the scrub (what is the Candian term for scrub???) that much. But it certainly is fun to bring up at the table as it immediately a starts everyone a-scratching (particularly Robyn!) and also brings out a few Tick war stories. Like the time Percy found one on his head after waking up, back when he had hair apparently and decided to pull it out and got some blood, hair and scalp after all the tugging. GROSS!

Here's a pic to freak you out...

Although we don't see many Ticks in Tassie, we do have our share of disgusting little critters. We thought it would be a good idea to enlighten the Canadians about how good they have it... I doubt any will be visiting any time soon after hearing about our redbacks, funnelwebs, leeches, white tails, snakes, jack jumpers, bull ants but I think what really put them off were the huntsmen. Even though they aren't harmful the idea that we have spiders as big as your hand totally freaked them out!

And this photo is for all the Canadians out there who read the blog and weren't quite sure whether to believe me about their size. I have seen bigger ones then this though...

Ugh and now on to something far less creepy...

Yesterday the girls and I spent a few hours down by the lake, since it was like 22 degrees or something. Although the weather was hot the lake is still freezing! They have a special flag over here called the Polar Dip. If someone jump in the lake every morning during their camp they are allowed to sign it. It’s a big deal over here and it wasn’t until I popped my feet in yesterday that I realised how utterly insane Canadians are! 

Good grief it was cold. It took forever for the water to not feel as though it was trying to keep them as a souvenir.  Alex has been enjoying the camps sauna with Joshua (formerly known as Josh) and some of the other COLTS (Daniel and Tim). Before they go in they all get in the lake and then go into the sauna, then back out and into the lake etc. They all swear it gives them the best nights sleep (probably cos their bodies are in shock!) but I don’t think it makes that much difference. Alex never wakes up during the night anyway!

We did have a lot of fun skipping rocks and chucking other various things into the water. I have included some photos for you to help you feel jealous. J

So, some of you must be wandering what is Alex is up to these days. I am hoping to get to write an account of what he is up to soon for you. Today he is headed up the mountain with the COLTS for some more training. He is enjoying it heaps and doing really well. 

Talk soon!


  1. Pop said that the kids shouldn't be in the water because they'll catch their death of cold!! They look like they are having a wonderful time. So happy you are all enjoying your time. We are missing you heaps and desperate for cuddles from my girls but I will wait till I get over there. Love and prayers heading your way. Nan xxx

  2. Good to see you guys on Skype today - even if it was only 30 secs!
